FCC Wireless Bureau Seeking Comment on Mobile Wireless Competition

Last week the Wireless Bureau released a Public Notice seeking comment on the state of mobile wireless competition to prepare for the FCC’s Eighteenth Annual Report on Mobile Wireless Competition.  The Notice requests that commenters submit information, data, and statistics available for the second half of 2014 and the first part of 2015, as well as information on any trends and developments that have occurred during 2014 and 2015.

The Notice specifically seeks comment and information on:

  • Competitive dynamics within the mobile wireless marketplace, (i.e., with respect to the number of subscribers and financial indicators such as revenue or profitability).
  • Overall industry metrics such as coverage, including by spectrum band, technology, geography, and demographics.
  • Upstream (e.g., spectrum) segments as well as on consumer behavior with respect to mobile wireless services, including consumer usage, handsets, mobile applications, and intermodal developments such as mobile-wireline substitution.
  • Pricing levels and trends and other non-price factors on which service providers compete.
  • Performance metrics for mobile broadband networks, such as speed and latency, including the methodologies used for assessment.
  • Whether the metrics provided in the Seventeenth Report were sufficient for analyzing competition in the mobile wireless marketplace in a useful and timely manner, or whether any changes should be made for the metrics included in the Eighteenth Report.

Roger Sherman, the Chief of the Wireless Bureau, also released a Blog Post on the Commission’s continued efforts to measure and report on mobile wireless competition.

Comments on the Public Notice are due June 29, 2015 and Reply Comments are due July 14, 2015.

Please do not hesitate to contact TLP if you have any questions or would like additional information.

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