FCC Announces Complete & Incomplete Auction 1002 Applications

A Public Notice has been released announcing the status of applications to participate in the forward auction (“Auction 1002”).  Over 100 companies filed applications to participate in the forward auction: 69 are deemed complete and 35 are deemed incomplete.

Designation of an application as complete indicates the applicant has provided the certifications and basic information concerning its qualifications as required by the Rules.  Such applicants do not have sufficient deficiencies to correct, but may make minor changes and must maintain the accuracy of the information in their applications as required by the rules.  Applications that are deemed incomplete must be corrected and resubmitted by April 6, 2016.

Upcoming Deadlines and Notices:  The deadline for submitting upfront payments will be provided in the Upfront Payment Public Notice, which will be released after the initial clearing target and associated band plan scenario have been announced.  In addition, a Qualified Bidders Public Notice will be released at least 15 business days before bidding in the initial stage of the forward auction begins.  Qualified bidders are those applicants with timely-filed and complete applications and timely, sufficient upfront payments.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

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