The Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (Bureau) and the Incentive Auction Task Force released a Public Notice announcing the Incentive Auction Public Reporting System (PRS) and described the bidding and timing information that will available through the PRS during the reverse and forward auctions.
Consistent with the Commissions’ rules, policies, and procedures, the auction bidding information will be made public through the PRS as soon as possible. The Commission will take reasonable steps to keep confidential all Commission-held data of reverse auction applicants, and keep non-winning bids and bidder information confidential for another two years after the auction. For the forward auction, the Commission will continue to limit the availability of bidder-specific information, but will release the results of the auction and other previously withheld information on the PRS following the close of the auction. The PRS will include the following sections:
- Dashboard: The Dashboard will include information about the current schedule of the incentive auction, including the status, clearing target, and amount of licensed spectrum available. It will also display information about progress toward meeting the final stage rule and indicate when it has been met. The Dashboard will display bidding schedules and cost of clearing during the clock phase and conclusion of the reverse auction, respectively. It will provide updated bidding schedules, round-by-round proceeds, and status information during the forward auction.
- Reverse Auction: This section will provide announcements related to the reverse auction that have been made public.
- Forward Auction: In addition to status updates, this section will provide a Product Status screen that will be updated after every forward auction clock round for each category of the blocks in each Partial Economic Area. It will include downloadable data regarding opening and clock prices for the round, aggregate demand and posted price after bid processes, and clock price for the next round.
- PRS User Guide: Available on the Commission’s Auction 1001 and Auction 1002 web pages.
The PRS is directly accessible here.
Please contact us with any questions.