FCC Announces July Robocall Summit

On May 13, 2019 the Commission released a Public Notice and a Press Release announcing that Chairman Pai will hold a SHAKEN/STIR Robocall Summit on July 11, 2019 at FCC Headquarters. This summit will examine progress toward caller ID authentication implementation and will identify challenges to SHAKEN/STIR deployment and how to overcome them.

The summit will showcase stakeholder discussions of:

  • Lessons learned from major voice service providers that have begun to deploy the call authentication technology;
  • Technical barriers to deployment by other major voice service providers;
  • Challenges to deployment for small voice service providers; and
  • The use of call authentication to reduce spoofed robocalls and improve consumer experience

Voice service providers, consumer groups, government entities and other technology stakeholders are invited to this public event. Those that wish to participate in the summit should contact Matthew Collins in the FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau at (202) 418-7141 or email [email protected] by June 11, 2019, and should provide a brief description of their expertise and the topic(s) they propose to address.

Please Contact Us if you have any questions.

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