FCC Publishes Spectrum Horizons First R&O in the Federal Register

On March 15, 2019, the Commission adopted the First Report and Order in the Spectrum Horizons proceeding. There are no significant changes between the previously-circulated draft order and the adopted order.

On June 4, 2019, the Commission published the First Report and Order in the Federal Register therefore establishing the following effective date:

The rules are effective July 5, 2019, except for sections 5.59 (amended to require FCC Form 442), 5.77 (change in equipment and emission characteristics), 5.121 (station record requirements), 5.702 (licensing requirement – necessary showing of narrative statement), 5.703 (responsible party – points of contact requirement), 5.704 (marketing of devices under Spectrum Horizons experimental radio licenses), 5.705 (interim report requirement), and 15.258 (operation in the bands 116-123 GHz, 174.8-182 GHz, 185-190 GHz and 244-246 GHz) which are delayed. The effective dates of these sections will be published in a document in the Federal Register at a later date.

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