On June 4, 2020, the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (“Bureau”) released a Public Notice seeking comment on updated information concerning lump sum payments for C-band incumbent earth station relocation expenses (GN Docket No. 18-122).
After considering the comments received in response to the Cost Catalog Public Notice, the Bureau has updated the classes of earth stations and proposed lump-sum amounts for each class. The Bureau now seeks additional comment on these updates and the methodology for determining average estimated costs.
The Bureau’s modifications include accounting for the additional costs that multichannel video programming distributor (“MVPD”) earth station operators may incur during the transition. The Bureau seeks comment on whether the methodology of calculating lump-sum payments for MVPD technology upgrades addresses the needs of stakeholders who may need to replace equipment to operate higher-order modulation technologies to meet service demands in the remaining 200 MHz of the C-band.
Comments are due 7 days after publication in the Federal Register.
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