On August 5, 2020, the Commission released an Order amending the Commission’s rules to reflect the new address of its headquarters: 45 L Street NE, Washington D.C. 20554. The Order also makes changes to clarify that certain documents are now available for inspection through the Commission’s website, removes references to a Commission copy contractor, and performs minor formatting corrections.
This Order does not impact the previous Order released on May 28, 2020, which amended the Commission’s rules to reflect the new address for filing hand-carried documents at the FCC’s headquarters and the new closing time for accepting such filings. As a reminder, after COVID-19 restrictions are lifted, all hand-carried documents must be delivered to 9050 Junction Drive, Annapolis Junction, MD 20701 during the filing window from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Hand-carried filings will not be accepted outside of those hours, including those filings for the Commission’s secretary.
Please Contact Us if you have any questions.