On September 1, 2020, the Rural Broadband Auctions Task Force, Office of Economics and Analytics, and Wireline Competition Bureau (“Task Force, OEA, and WCB”) released a Public Notice announcing the status of the 505 short-form applications received for the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Phase I Auction (“Auction 904”).
Attachment A lists the short-form applications for Auction 904 that are accepted for filing and designated as complete. Each of these applicants will become a qualified bidder in all states selected and for all the performance tier and latency combinations selected as long as it maintains the accuracy of its short-form application. Qualified bidders must submit a long-form application after the close of Auction 904 in order to receive support.
Attachment B lists the short-form applications for Auction 904 that are accepted for filing but found to be incomplete or otherwise deficient. These applicants will receive a letter identifying each deficiency in their applications. To become a qualified bidder for Auction 904, each of these applicants must resubmit its application and correct any deficiencies by September 23, 2020 prior to 6:00 pm ET. Late submissions will not be accepted.
During the resubmission window, all applicants may make minor or administrative changes to their applications. Following the Commission review of resubmitted short-form applications, a public notice listing all qualified bidders for Auction 904 will be released, along with schedules for the mock auction and the first day of bidding. Bidding in Auction 904 will begin on October 29, 2020.
Please Contact Us if you have any questions.