On September 15, 2020, the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (“Bureau”) released a Public Notice announcing the first round of 2.5 GHz band Rural Tribal Priority Window license applications accepted for filing.
Attachment A and Attachment B list the 157 Rural Tribal Priority Window applications (FCC Form 601) that have been found to be acceptable for filing.
- Attachment A sorts the applications accepted for filing by file number.
- Attachment B sorts the applications accepted for filing by licensee.
The Bureau may return or dismiss any application that is accepted for filing but is later found to be defective or not in conformance with the Commission’s rules. That an application has been accepted for filing means that the initial review of the application showed it contains complete and sufficient information to be accepted for processing and further review, including a required period on which public comment on the application is sought. It does not mean that application requirements have been met or that any waiver requested along with the application will be granted. For example, if a Tribal entity has not demonstrated a local presence, its application being accepted for filing does not mean that the Bureau has granted that applicant a waiver.
Petitions to deny the applications are due on October 15, 2020. Oppositions to a petition to deny are due on October 26, 2020, and replies to oppositions are due November 2, 2020.
If no pleadings have been filed against an application, the applicant may make a presentation concerning its application. Once a petition to deny or other pleading has been filed, however, any party, including the applicant must give all other parties prior notice and an opportunity to be present before making any presentation to Commission staff.
Please Contact Us if you have any questions.