FCC Announces Date and WEA Procedures for Nationwide Test

On Friday, June 11, 2021, the Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau (“Bureau”) released a Public Notice (DA 21-680) announcing the date of the next nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System (“EAS”) and Wireless Emergency Alerts (“WEA”).  The Public Notice also provides additional details for Commercial Mobile Service (CMS) providers participating in the WEA test.

Nationwide EAS and WEA Test:  The primary test date is scheduled for Wednesday, August 11, 2021 at 2:20PM Eastern Daylight Time.  The secondary test date is scheduled for Wednesday, August 25, 2021 at 2:20PM EDT, should conditions on the primary test date warrant a cancellation.

WEA Procedures:  The Federal Emergency Management Agency (“FEMA”) will initiate the WEA portion of the nationwide test using the State/Local WEA Test category.  Only mobile subscribers who have opted to receive WEA test messages will receive the alert.  As a reminder, all participating CMS providers MUST transmit the State/Local Test message and MUST permit subscribers to opt in to receive the message.  FEMA will broadcast the alert in both English and Spanish.

Public Comments:  The Bureau encourages members of the public and interested stakeholder organizations to provide useful feedback on the nationwide test, including the delivery of the EAS message or any feedback concerning the receipt of or failure to receive the WEA test alert.  Comments can be reported to the Public Safety Support Center.

Please Contact Us if you have any questions.

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