August 18, 2021 Weekly Wireless Wrap-Up

Welcome back to TLP’s Weekly Wireless Wrap-Up, your weekly update on the wireless telecommunications regulatory landscape, important wireless decisions, and more!  Notably, this week, the FCC hosted a webinar on the Broadband DATA Collection, and NTIA announced a symposium on federal spectrum policy.  Here’s your wrap-up:


  • Last Thursday, August 12, 2021, the FCC hosted a webinar on the Broadband DATA Collection proposed technical requirements for the mobile challenge, verification, and crowdsourcing processes. The webinar summarized the proposals and provided additional background on the underlying math and data.  For more information, see our post here.
  • On Friday, August 13, 2021, the FCC released a Public Notice setting comment deadlines for two Petitions for Declaratory Rulings that are seeking review of local regulations and contracts under Section 253 of the Communications Act Comments are due on or before September 22, 2021 and replies are due on or before October 12, 2021.  For more information, check out our post here. 
  • As a reminder, the FCC’s Form 477 Broadband Report is due in two weeks, September 1, 2021. Providers that are required to submit FCC Form 477 must supply data that is current as of June 30, 2021.  The FCC has launched a new Form 477 filing interface, which requires an individual CORES username and password to log in.  For more information, see our post here.


  • On Tuesday, August 17, 2021, NTIA announced that it would be holding a virtual symposium on September 21, 2021, from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time focusing on national spectrum policy development and the evolution of new technologies for federal spectrum management, including spectrum sharing. For more information, see the NTIA’s release here.

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