FCC Extends Native Nations Communications Task Force Application Deadline

On August 23, 2021, the FCC released a Public Notice announcing that the deadline to submit applications to fill Tribal vacancies on the Native Nations Communications Task Force is extended from August 27, 2021 to September 27, 2021.  As a reminder, the Task Force makes recommendations to the Commission on communications issues that affect Tribal interests including: (i) executing the Commission’s Tribal consultation policy; (ii) identifying barriers to broadband deployment that are unique to Tribal lands; and (iii) ensuring Tribal concerns are considered in all Commission proceedings related to broadband and other Commission undertakings that affect Tribal interests regarding communications services and facilities.  Applicants are required to be elected leaders from federally recognized Tribal groups or governmental entities, or their designated employees.  Members appointed to the Task Force will serve through the end of the Task Force’s current term in October 2022.

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