FCC Releases November Open Meeting Agenda

On Wednesday, November 10, 2021, the FCC released the Agenda for the November Open Meeting, which is scheduled for Thursday, November 18, 2021 at 10:30 AM.  The Open Meeting will be held virtually on the FCC’s web page at www.fcc.gov/live and on the FCC’s YouTube page.  The FCC is scheduled to consider the following items:

  1. Enabling Text-to-988 (WC Docket No. 18- 336): The Commission will consider a Second Report and Order that would require covered text providers to support text messaging to 988 by routing certain text messages sent to 988 to the National Suicide Prevention Hotline by July 16, 2022. (FACT SHEET)
  2. Enhanced Competition Incentive Program for Wireless Radio Services (WT Docket No. 19-38): The Commission will consider a Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking proposing an Enhanced Competition Incentive Program (ECIP) and other rule changes intended to promote competition, access to spectrum by small carriers and Tribal Nations, and expanded rural wireless coverage. (FACT SHEET)
  3. Updating FM Radio Directional Antenna Verification (MB Docket No. 21-422): The Commission will consider a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to allow applicants proposing directional FM antennas the option of verifying the directional antenna pattern through computer modeling. (FACT SHEET)
  4. Kinéis Low-Earth Orbit Satellites Market Access (IBFS File No. SAT-PDR-20191011-00113): The Commission will consider an Order and Declaratory Ruling on Kinéis’ petition to access the U.S. market using a low-earth orbit satellite system to provide connectivity for Internet of Things devices, as well as enhancements to maritime domain awareness through monitoring of maritime communications. (FACT SHEET)

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