Good afternoon and happy December from Washington, DC! Below you will find this week’s Weekly Wireless Wrap-Up, your update on the wireless telecommunications regulatory landscape, important wireless decisions, and more! It was a light week, given the Thanksgiving Holiday, however, the FCC provided updates on the EBB transition to the Affordable Connectivity Program and Congress held a nomination hearing for Gigi Sohn. Here’s your wrap-up:
- Last Friday, the Wireline Competition Bureau released an Order waiving certain Commission rules governing the enrollment freeze and notice requirements for the end of the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program (“EBB Program”), which will close no later than December 31, 2021. At that time, households enrolled in the Program will have an automatic 60-day transition period where they will continue to receive their EBB Program benefits. During that period, households will be required to reverify their eligibility to participate in the newly established Affordable Connectivity Program, which was established as a part of the Infrastructure Act. The Bureau plans to provide additional information on this reverification process at a later date. For more information and to view the Order, see the FCC’s link here.
- This morning, the FCC announced the winners of the Chair’s Awards for Advancements in Accessibility. The awards recognize individuals, products, services, standards and other innovative developments that improve the experience of people with disabilities in telecommunications and technology. The ceremony was held at 11 AM this morning, and recognized Accessible Pharmacy Services for the Blind, Apple iOS 14, and Communication Services for the Deaf – COVID ASL Hotline. For more information, see the FCC’s news release here.
- The Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation held a nomination hearing for Gigi Sohn this morning. The hearing focused, among other things, on Sohn’s views on net neutrality, USF, rate regulation, mapping, and local laws relating to broadband. For more information and to watch the hearing, view the Committee’s website here.
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