December 8, 2021 Weekly Wireless Wrap-Up

Good afternoon from Washington, DC!  Below you will find this week’s Weekly Wireless Wrap-Up, your update on the wireless telecommunications regulatory landscape, important wireless decisions, and more!  Of note this week, the Senate confirmed Jessica Rosenworcel as Chairwoman of the FCC and the FCC released the Agenda for the December Open Meeting.  Here’s your wrap-up:


  • Last Wednesday, the FCC released a Public Notice announcing that Fee Filer will be decommissioned and discontinued as of next Wednesday, December 15, 2021. After December 15, the FCC will only accept payments through the new CORES payment module, including payments for regulatory fees, application fees, and ULS fees.  At the same time, the existing Red Light Display System will also be decommissioned and must be accessed through CORES.  For more information and to view a copy of the Notice, see our post.
  • Late yesterday, the FCC released the Agenda for the December Open Meeting, which will be held next Tuesday, December 14, 2021 at 10:30 AM. The meeting will be held virtually and can be viewed at and on the FCC’s YouTube channel. It’s a fairly light agenda, with the Commission only set to consider three items.  For more information and to view a copy of the Agenda, see our post here.


  • Yesterday, the Senate voted to confirm Jessica Rosenworcel as the Chairwoman of the FCC. Chairwoman Rosenworcel will be the first woman to hold the position.  She was confirmed 68 to 31 for a term of five years from July 1, 2020.  For more information, see the Senate’s page here.

 For more information or assistance on telecommunications matters, please contact us.

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