As we indicated in prior alerts, the FCC has begun the transition to new Commission Registration System (“CORES”) for management of many regulatory issues, including FRNs, fee payments, and other administrative matters. In order to utilize new CORES, you must establish a CORES account using an email address. If you have already established a CORES account, we are requesting that you please respond to this email and provide us with the email address and password associated with the CORES account, so that we may continue to efficiently assist you with FCC matters, such as paying application and regulatory fees, requesting new FRNs, or maintaining contact information.
If you have not already established a new CORES account, we will need your assistance to help establish one. Setting up a CORES account requires that you provide an email address, which can be used by the FCC to contact you and will serve as the username to log in to CORES. When setting up the account, CORES will send a verification email to the email address provided, which will have a link to finish setting up the account. Since we can’t access the emails for your company, we need your assistance to complete this step.
To register, you go to:
Once the CORES account has been established, please provide us with the email and password so that we may continue to assist you.
Please Contact Us f you have any questions.