On April 20, 2022, the Enforcement Bureau released a Public Notice requesting letters of intent from consortia interested in becoming the registered industry consortium for tracebacks, as required by the Pallone-Thune Telephone Robocall Abuse Criminal Enforcement and Deterrence Act (“TRACED Act”). The Commission is required to consider new interested consortia on an annual basis, and interested consortia, other than the incumbent register consortium, are required to provide letters of intent demonstrating that the consortium satisfies the statutory requirements necessary to serve as the single register consortium.
Specifically, the letter of intent must: (1) demonstrate that it is a neutral third party; (2) demonstrate that it is competent to manage the private-led traceback efforts; (3) include its written best practices, and an explanation thereof, regarding management of its traceback efforts and the participation of voice services providers in the consortium’s traceback efforts; (4) certify that, consistent with section 222(d)(2) of the Communications Act, the consortium’s efforts will focus on fraudulent, abusive, or unlawful traffic; and (5) certify that the consortium has notified the Commission that it intends to conduct traceback efforts in advance of registration as the single registered consortium. The Letter of Intent must also include a certification that, if selected to be the single registered consortium, the consortium will remain in compliance with the statutory requirements; conduct an annual review for compliance; and promptly notify the Commission of any changes that reasonably bear on its certification.
Letters of intent are required to be submitted on or before May 20, 2022.
Comments on the letters of intent are due on or before June 3, 2022.
Reply comments on the letters of intent are due on or before June 10, 2022.
Please Contact Us if you have any questions.