August 17, 2022 Weekly Wireless Wrap-Up

Good afternoon from Washington, DC!  Below you will find our Weekly Wireless Wrap-Up, your update on the wireless telecommunications regulatory landscape, important wireless decisions, and more!  Here is your wrap-up:

    • On 8/10, the FCC released a Public Notice denying the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Long-Form applications of LTD Broadband and Starlink. Starlink had initially won over $885 million in funding, and LTD Broadband had initially won over $1.32 billion in funding, the largest winning bidder in the auction.  For more information and to view a copy of the Notice, see our post here.
    • On 8/15, the FCC released a Report on the future of the Universal Service Fund (“USF”), which makes four broad findings regarding broadband and the USF, including setting goals for universal broadband deployment and adoption, continued and increased interagency coordination, recommendations on the future of the USF, and a finding that the FCC can collect USF funds under Section 254. For more information and to view a copy of the Report, see our post here.
    • Tomorrow, 8/18, the Broadband Data Task Force will be hosting a webinar on “Preparing and Submitting Mobile Availability Data” at 4:00 PM Eastern Time. Parties are required to register to attend the webinar.  This is the third in a series of four webinars on the Broadband Data Collection that the FCC will be holding to assist filers with their inaugural Broadband Data Collection submissions, which are due no later than September 1, 2022.  For more information, including instructions on how to register for the webinar, see our post here.

For more information or assistance on telecommunications matters, please contact us.

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