On August 22, 2022, the Enforcement Bureau (“Bureau”) released a Report and Order announcing that USTelecom’s Industry Traceback Group (“Traceback Group”) has been selected to continue as the registered consortium for private-led traceback efforts. On April 20, 2022, the Bureau released a Public Notice soliciting Letters of Intent for this position. ZipDX LLC submitted a letter requesting to be designated as the registered consortium, however, it withdrew its letter on July 25, 2022 explaining that it had reached an agreement with the Traceback Group to provide robocall surveillance information using its RRAPTOR tool. There was wide support in the record to retain the Traceback Group as the registered consortium.
The Bureau concluded that there was good cause to reappoint the Traceback Group as the registered consortium. First, the Bureau concluded that the Traceback Group is a neutral third party, demonstrated by its unbiased, non-discriminatory, and technology-neutral best practices governing how providers will engage in traceback efforts, its efforts to ensure and encourage broad provider participation and its policies that ensure no industry segment is subject to bias within its participation structure. Second, the Bureau concluded that the Traceback Group is a competent manager of the traceback process, as demonstrated by its efforts to continually develop new methods to timely and successfully identify the origins of suspected illegal robocalls across networks, ensuring cooperation and collaboration among industry participants, and complying with the legal and confidentiality requirements necessary to protect both providers and consumers. Third, the Bureau found that the Traceback Group has developed, maintained, and conformed to its written best practices, and it has focused its efforts on fraudulent, abusive, or unlawful traffic. Thus, the Bureau concluded the Traceback Group satisfies all statutory requirements and it is qualified to continue to serve as the industry traceback consortium.
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