FCC Releases NOI/Order on Expanding Use of the 12.7-13.25 GHz Band

On October 28, 2022, the FCC released the Notice of Inquiry and Order regarding the 12.7-13.25 GHz band (the “12.7 GHz Band”), which was adopted at the October Open Meeting.  The NOI explores the potential for broadening the use of the 12.7 GHz band to support terrestrial mobile broadband or other expanded use.  It seeks information on the current use of the 12.7 GHz band, how the Commission could encourage more efficient use of the band, and whether the band is suitable for mobile broadband and other expanded uses.  Specifically, the item:

  • Provides background on the current uses of the 12.7 GHz band and the general need for additional mobile broadband spectrum.
  • Asks questions about potential spectrum access methods in the 12.7 GHz band, including whether to use or require devices to access a database or other spectrum management system similar to those used or under development in other bands.
  • Inquires whether any incumbent services in the 12.7 GHz band should be sunset, remain in their current form, or relocated, and whether to adopt cost-sharing procedures to apportion any relocation costs among the new entrants.
  • Seeks comment on what licensing approach would facilitate the deployment of new mobile broadband or other expanded use in the 12.7 GHz band.
  • Requests information on the level of protection that any new 12.7 GHz band operators would have to provide to incumbent services in the lower and upper adjacent bands.
  • Invites comment on the costs and benefits associated with the various approaches discussed in the item to open the 12.7 GHz band to mobile broadband or other expanded use.
  • Asks for public comment on how various approaches may promote or inhibit advances in diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility.

The Order extends the temporary freeze on applications in the 12.7 GHz band pending the outcome of this docket (GN Docket No. 22-352), and clarifies that the FCC Bureaus retain jurisdiction to modify the freeze.

 Comments will be due 30 days following release date (November 28, 2022).

Reply comments will be due 60 days following release date (December 27, 2022). 

Please Contact Us if you have any questions.

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