On November 10, 2022, the FCC released additional information on broadband availability data and associated challenges:
Draft Broadband Maps To Be Released November 18, 2022: In a News Release, the FCC announced that a pre-production draft of new broadband maps will be released on November 18, 2022. This version will be the first release of the map required by the Broadband DATA Act. The draft maps will display location level information on broadband availability throughout the country as of June 30, 2022. In order to continually improve the maps, the FCC will accept bulk challenges to the reported availability data from state and Tribal governments and other entities. Further, the Commission notes that it has been accepting challenges to the Fabric from states, local and Tribal governments, and providers since September, and that, once the draft maps launch, individuals will be able to submit challenges and request corrections to Fabric locations directly through the map interface.
Resources for Bulk Challenge Assistance: In a Public Notice, the Broadband Data Task Force announced the availability of technical assistance resources for entities interested in filing bulk challenges to fixed broadband availability data. The Notice provides links to video tutorials on the challenge process and also announces an upcoming workshop on November 30, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. EDT to assist filers in submitting their data. As a reminder, more information is also available in the previously released Data Specifications for Bulk Fixed Availability Challenge and Crowdsource Data, which provides guidance on the requirements for filing bulk challenges. Additional technical requirements for the challenge process are available at: www.fcc.gov/BroadbandData/Help.
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