On November 18, 2022, the Broadband Data Task Force, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, Wireline Competition Bureau, Office of Economics and Analytics, and Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau released a Public Notice announcing that the FCC had released the pre-production draft of the National Broadband Map. The Map is available at https://broadbandmap.fcc.gov.
The map displays fixed and mobile broadband availability on a location basis. Individuals can search for a specific address and broadband availability for each type of service is displayed. For fixed service, individuals can see the service technology type and the maximum advertised speed offered at the location. For mobile service, individuals can see the technology type and standardized propagation modeling parameters used by providers to generate their coverage areas.
The challenge process is also now available for consumers, governmental entities, service providers, and other third parties. For fixed broadband service, challengers may dispute the availalbity of fixed service at a particular location directly through the map, including whether connection could be installed, or the network technology and maximum advertised download and upload speeds reported. For mobile service, challengers may submit on-the-ground speed test data; consumers must utilize the FCC’s Speed Test app, which is now available in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Finally, individuals can submit challenges to the fabric directly through the map interface if they believe a location is missing or information about a location point is incorrect.
The FCC also released a Press Statement on the New Maps.
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