March 2, 2023 Weekly Wireless Wrap-Up

Good afternoon from Washington, DC!  Below you will find this week’s Wireless Wrap-Up, your update on the wireless telecommunications regulatory landscape, important wireless decisions, and more!  Here is your wrap-up:


  • On 2/23, the FCC released the Tentative Agenda for the March Open Meeting, scheduled for March 16, 2023 at 10:30 AM. The Commission is tentatively scheduled to consider several items of import to wireless providers, including: a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking seeking comment on a new regulatory framework that would allow satellite operators to collaborate with terrestrial providers to expand terrestrial wireless coverage; a Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking extending STIR/SHAKEN and other robocall mitigation requirements to intermediate providers; and a Report and Order mandating text blocking based on a reasonable Do-Not-Originate list.  For more information and to view a copy of the Tentative Agenda, see our post here.


  • On 2/28, the FCC published in the Federal Register the Seventh Report and Order and Ninth Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on the 4.9 GHz (4940-4990 MHz) band. The Report and Order is effective March 30, 2023.  Comments on the NPRM are due by March 30, 2023, and reply comments are due by May 1, 2023.  For more information and to view a copy of the notices, see our post here.


  • On 3/1, the House Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on innovation, Data, and Commerce held a hearing entitled “Promoting US Innovation and Individual Liberty through a National Standard for Data Privacy.” The hearing examined how website owners and operator are treating and using personal data and the dangers facing the U.S. if Congress refused to act.  Witnesses included Alexandra Reeve Givens, President and CEO for the Center for Democracy & Technology, Graham Mudd, Founder and Chief Product Officer for Anonym, and Jessica Rich, Of Counsel and Senior Policy Advisor for Consumer Protection for Kelley Drye & Warren, LLP. For more information and to view the hearing, see the Committee’s website here.

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