The FCC released a Public Notice announcing that the following systems are back online as of approximately 9:00 am today, June 21, and providing additional guidance on extensions for filing deadlines affected by the system outages:
- Universal Licensing System (ULS)
- Tower Construction Notification System (TCNS)
- E-106 System
- Antenna Structure Registration System (ASR)
As you are aware, these systems had been unavailable since approximately 6:30 p.m. EDT on Friday, June 9, due to technical issues. This Public Notice supersedes the June 13 Guidance Public Notice to the extent that it is inconsistent with any deadlines or time periods set forth therein. The updated filing deadlines and review periods are as follows:
- Extension of Deadlines for Regulatory Filings in ULS and ASR: Deadlines for all regulatory filings that were due ULS and ASR between June 9, 2023 and June 29, 2023 are extended until Friday, June 30, 2023. ULS applications filed under the extended deadlines will be accepted as timely and applicants will not be required to include special information or attachments, seek waivers, or pay waiver fees. This Public Notice does not extend the deadlines for any comment or filing dates outside of the June 9 to June 29 time period. Requests for extension of time beyond the relief provided here will be considered consistent with the Commission’s normal practice.
- Resuming Paused Historic Preservation Review Periods: For any review periods based on filings made in the TCNS and E-106 systems that were in progress during the period of unavailability, those review periods were paused, or tolled, while the systems were unavailable. Accordingly, review periods will resume as of June 21, 2023.
- Responsive Pleadings: To the extent that due dates are extended by this Public Notice for filings to which reply or responsive pleadings are allowed, the actual filing date will trigger the timeframes established by the Commission’s rules for reply or responsive pleadings.
- Statutory Filing Deadlines: For the purpose of any statutory deadlines applicable to filings required to be made in the affected systems, the FCC will be considered to be open for the filing of such documents beginning on Friday, June 30, 2023, and filings due between June 9, 2023, and June 29, 2023 will be deemed timely filed if filed by June 30, 2023. The Commission cannot waive statutory filing deadlines such as those associated with petitions for reconsideration
- Special Temporary Authority (STA): All STAs that expire from June 9, 2023 through June 29, 2023 will now expire on June 30, 2023. All STA applicants should resume normal STA filing procedures as of the date of this Public Notice, which includes electronic filing in ULS for most STA applications and filing in the Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS) for market-based STAs only.
Please Contact Us if you have any questions.