BDC Filing Window Open; Fabric and Bulk Challenge Updates

On July 3, 2023, the FCC Broadband Data Task Force (“Task Force”) released the following updates and announcements concerning the Broadband Data Collection (“BDC”):

BDC Filing Window OpenThe Task Force announced that the third BDC filing window for submitting required broadband availability and other data as of June 30, 2023 opened on July 3, 2023.  Availability and subscription data must be submitted in the BDC system ( no later than September 1, 2023.  As you may recall, all facilities-based providers of fixed or mobile broadband service must submit subscription data and data reflecting the availability of mass-market broadband internet access service.  In addition, certain facilities-based providers of mobile voice service and providers of fixed voice service are also required to submit data.  Filers can access more information here.

Availability of New June 2023 Broadband Serviceable Location FabricThe Broadband Serviceable Location Fabric (“Fabric”) has been updated for use in the as-of June 30, 2023 BDC filing round.  Licensees of the Fabric will receive access to the Fabric via an email from CostQuest.  Entities that have not yet entered into a license agreement with CostQuest for Fabric data may do so by following the instructions here.  The new version of the Fabric incorporates data from updated data sources and the results of Fabric challenges.  Changes from previous versions of the Fabric include additional Broadband Serviceable Locations and corrections to addresses, unit counts, building types, land use, and geographic coordinates.

FCC Begins Accepting Challenges to June 2023 Broadband Serviceable Location FabricThe Task Force announced that entities can begin submitting bulk challenges to the latest, June 2023 version of the Fabric.  Bulk Fabric challenges submitted in advance of September 8, 2023, are most likely to be reviewed and adjudicated in time to be accounted for in the next iteration of the Fabric (December 2023).  Bulk Fabric challenges submitted after September 8, 2023, will continue to be accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis, but would likely be adjudicated as part of a future version of the Fabric.

Bulk Fabric challenges must be submitted in the BDC system at  As of July 1, 2023, the BDC system will only accept bulk Fabric challenges based upon the data in the June 2023 Fabric.  Any pending bulk challenges to the December 2022 version of the Fabric submitted between March 15, 2023, and June 30, 2023, are being reviewed and adjudicated against the June 2023 Fabric and do not need to be refiled.

Please Contact Us if you have any questions.


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