12.7 GHz Licensee Certifications Due Nov. 29

Earlier this year, the FCC released a Report and Order on the 12.7-12.25 GHz band (“12.7 GHz Band”) proposing to repurpose all or portions of the 12.7 GHz band for Mobile use.  Certain Broadcast Auxiliary Services (“BAS”) licenses, outlined below, operate in the 12.7 GHz Band.  BAS licensees that wish to obtain incumbent status following the repurposing of the band are required to file a certification on or before November 29, 2023.  The certification must state that the information in the license is accurate and that the facilities are operating as authorized.  Additional information on the certification requirements can be found in this Public Notice.

The following types of BAS licenses typically operate in the 12.7 GHz Band, although there may be others:

AB         Aural Microwave Booster

TI             TV Intercity Relay

TP           TV Pickup

TS           TV Studio Transmitter Link

TT           TV Translator Relay

Broadcasters should check with their engineers to confirm whether they have any 12.7 GHz licenses that they use and for which incumbent status should be obtained.

BAS licensees who filed their application for a new or modified license on or after January 1, 2021 are exempt from the certification requirement.

Please Contact Us if you have any questions.

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