FCC Grants SpaceX SCS Authority

On November 26, 2024, the Space Bureau released an Order and Authorization granting in part and deferring in part, with conditions, several applications from Space Exploration Holdings, LLC (“SpaceX”), including SpaceX’s modification application to provide Supplemental Coverage from Space (“SCS”) within the United States, including Alaska.

This will permit SpaceX to provide direct-to-device coverage to T-Mobile customers, as announced by the two companies in 2022.

Specifically, all 7,500 satellites in SpaceX’s Gen2 system are authorized to conduct operations in the PCS G Block in the 1910- 1915 MHz (Earth-to-space) and 1990-1995 MHz (space-to-Earth) bands for SCS, on a secondary basis, pursuant to a lease arrangement with T-Mobile and its subsidiaries (collectively, T-Mobile), consistent with the rules adopted in the SCS Report and Order and subject to the following conditions:

  1. SpaceX is required to comply with any rules adopted in the SCS proceeding in the future;
  2. SpaceX is required to continue to coordinate with the National Science Foundation, National Radio Astronomy Observatory, and NASA and comply with any resulting coordination agreements;
  3. SpaceX must operate on a non-harmful interference basis and address and eliminate any harmful interference cases immediately;
  4. SpaceX must cease SCS throughout the affected geographically independent area (“GIA”) and frequencies if SpaceX’s lease with T-Mobile that allows for the use of the 1910-1915 MHz and 1990-1995 MHz bands terminates or if T-Mobile’s underlying license(s) no longer covers the entire relevant GIA; and
  5. SpaceX’s operations remain subject to bilateral agreements that ensure terrestrial licensees meet a particular signal level limit at the relevant international border, including field strength and PFD limits.

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