FCC Releases January Open Meeting Agenda

On January 8, 2025, the FCC released the Agenda for the January Open Meeting, scheduled for January 15, 2025 at 10:30 AM.  The meeting can be viewed in person at the FCC’s headquarters or online at www.fcc.gov/live or on the Commission’s YouTube channel.  The Commission’s Senior Bureau, Office, and Task Force staff are scheduled to lead a series of presentations:

  • Panel One – The Commission will hear presentations from the Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau, the Office of International Affairs, the Broadband Data Task Force and the Office of Economics and Analytics on the agency’s work on expanding connectivity and access to modern communications.
  • Panel Two – The Commission will hear presentations from the Wireline Competition Bureau, the Office of Workplace Diversity, the Office of Communications Business Opportunities and the Connect2Health Chair/Office of General Counsel on the agency’s work on making communications more just for more people in more places.
  • Panel Three – The Commission will hear presentations from the Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau, the Enforcement Bureau, the Media Bureau, the Wireline Competition Bureau, the Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau, the Office of Engineering and Technology and the Office of International Affairs on the agency’s work on national security, public safety, and protecting consumers.
  • Panel Four – The Commission will hear presentations from the Space Bureau, the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, the Office of Engineering and Technology, the Office of Economics and Analytics and the Office of Managing Director on the agency’s work on the future of communications.

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