The deadline for filing the FCC Form 499-Q and supporting documentation is quickly approaching. All telecommunications carriers that provide interstate telecommunications services are required to electronically file an FCC Form 499-Q Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet with the Commission on or before February 1, 2016. Carriers must provide revenue information for October 1 through December 31 of the prior calendar year and projections for April 1 through June 30. Additionally, to the extent that interconnected VoIP and CMRS providers rely on a traffic study to report interstate revenues for the February 1 filing of the Form 499-Q, the traffic study relied upon must be included with this filing.
The form and filing instructions can be found at:
If you require our assistance in filing this form with the Commission, please contact us as soon as possible, and in any event prior to the close of business on Monday, January 25, 2016.