On May 2, 2018, the Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau (“Bureau”) released an Order granting a Joint Motion for Extension of Time to File Reply Comments (“Joint Motion”) in response to the FCC’s Notice of Inquiry (“NOI”) in the location-based routing for wireless 911 calls proceeding, submitted by the National Emergency Number Association (“NENA”), the National Association of State 911 Administrators, the Texas 911 Entities, West Safety Services, Inc., Comtech Communications, Inc., and CTIA (“the Parties”).
The Parties argued that a one-week extension is appropriate here because many of the entities expected to participate in this proceeding will be attending the NENA 2018 National Conference and Expo, and a one-week extension will allow stakeholders adequate time to review and prepare comments in the record without direct timing conflicts. The Bureau agreed that an extended reply comment deadline will ensure that all interested parties have adequate time to prepare full and informed reply comments without constraining the Commission’s ability to consider a full record.
The Bureau grants a one week extension, as requested, until June 28, 2018 to file reply comments. The May 7, 2018 comment deadline remains unchanged.
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