On July 17, 2020, the Commission released the Digital Opportunity Data Collection (“Collection”) Second Report and Order and Third Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (“Report and Order” and “FNPRM”), which was adopted in the July Open Meeting (WC Docket No. 19-195, WC Docket No. 11-10).
The adopted Report and Order incorporates the following relevant changes from the circulated draft version:
- The adopted Report and Order specifies separate requirements for the use of specific maximum buffers around aggregation points for wired technologies (DSL, HFC/Cable, FTTP/Fiber), rather than adopt the same requirement for all listed wired technologies. The adopted Report and Order also incorporates additional clarifications surrounding the buffer requirements (¶¶ 17-19).
- The Report and Order clarifies the requirement that propagation maps submitted by mobile providers must predict outdoor coverage and should include both: (1) on-street or pedestrian stationary usage and (2) in-vehicle mobile usage (¶ 48).
- The Commission removed Section B.2. of the draft Report and Order which required mobile service providers to submit infrastructure information to verify providers’ broadband networking coverage on an annual basis. The Commission is now seeking comment in the FNPRM on implementing such a requirement, which is discussed further in the attached summary.
- The Commission clarifies certain aspects surrounding the crowdsourced data filings (¶ 75).
The adopted FNPRM incorporates the following relevant change from the circulated draft version:
- The Commission seeks to refresh the record and seek further comment on collecting infrastructure information from mobile service providers as part of the Collection (as noted above) (¶¶ 100-102).
Comments on the FNPRM are due 20 days after publication in the Federal Register and reply comments are due 30 days after publication in the Federal Register.
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