FCC Publishes Rules to Promote Competitive Choice in MTEs in Fed. Reg.

On March 28, 2022, the Federal Communications Commission published in the Federal Register the Report and Order and Declaratory Ruling for adopting new rules and clarifying existing rules regarding communications services in multiple tenant environments (“MTEs”), thereby setting compliance dates.

The compliance dates are:

  • After April 27, 2022, common carriers and multichannel video programming distributors (“MVPDs”) may not enter into prohibited exclusive or gradual revenue sharing agreements with MTEs.
  • After September 26, 2022, common carriers and MVPDs may not enforce any existing and prohibited exclusive or gradual revenue sharing agreements with MTEs.
  • After the Office of Management and Budget completes its review of disclosure requirements, common carriers and MVPDs must disclose the existence of any new exclusive contracts to market services to tenants of a MTE.
  • After the later of September 26, 2022, or the date the Office of Management and Budget completes its review of the disclosure requirements, common carriers and MVPDs must disclose the existence of any exclusive contracts to market its services to tenants of a MTE.

Please Contact Us if you have any questions.

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