FCC Publishes ECIP R&O and 2d FNPRM in Fed. Reg.

On September 20, 2022, the FCC published in the Federal Register two documents related to the FCC’s Enhanced Competition Incentive Program (“ECIP”). A summary of both is on our blog here:

First, the FCC published the ECIP Report and Order, thereby setting the effective date.  The Report and Order is effective October 20, 2022, except for the following provisions, which require OMB approval:

  • Section 1.929 (instruction 2), which was amended to include a provision relating to applications or amendments requesting aggregation of licenses pursuant to section 1.950 in subsection (a)(7).
  • Section 1.950 (instruction 4), which was amended to revise the section heading, include definitions of reaggregation in subsections (a)(4) and (b)(3), revise the heading for subsection (c), include the license term for dissagregated spectrum licenses in subsection (e), and include a provision on reaggregation of licenses in subsection (i).
  •   Sections 1.60001 through 1.60007 (instruction 8), which are the governing provisions for the Enhanced Competition Incentive Program.

The FCC will publish notice in the Federal Register when OMB approves these provisions.

Second, the FCC published the Second Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, thereby setting the comment and reply comment dates.

Comments are due on or before October 20, 2022.

Reply comments are due on or before November 21, 2022.

Please Contact Us if you have any questions.

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