On September 30, 2022, the FCC published in the Federal Register a Public Notice reminding recipients of Secure and Trusted Reimbursement funds of their obligation to file status updates with the FCC every 90 days beginning on the date on which the Wireline Competition Bureau approved recipients’ applications, until the obligation to file expires. Since all recipient applications were approved on July 15, 2022, all initial status updates are due on or before October 13, 2022.
The status update must inform the FCC about the work the recipient has conducted to permanently remove, replace, and dispose of the covered communications equipment or services. In addition, the status update must indicate whether the recipient has: (1) fully complied with, or is in the process of complying with, all requirements of the Reimbursement Program; (2) fully complied with, or is in the process of complying with, the commitments made in the recipient’s application; (3) permanently removed from its communications network, replaced, and disposed of, or is in the process of permanently removing, replacing, and disposing of, all covered communications equipment or services that were in the recipient’s network as of the date of the submission of the recipient’s application; and (4) fully complied with, or is in the process of complying with, the timeline submitted by the recipient in their application. Recipients should also detail the availability of equipment so that the FCC can evaluate whether a six month extension is appropriate.
The status updates will be published on the FCC’s website no earlier than 30 days after the filing deadline for public viewing. Recipients that are submitting confidential information should submit a request for confidential treatment pursuant to section 0.459 of the FCC’s rules.
Please Contact Us if you have any questions.