On March 27, 2024, the Enforcement Bureau released an Order announcing that BPO Innovate’s (“BPO”) certification was being removed from the Robocall Mitigation Database (“RMD”). The certification is removed as of the release of the Order; accordingly, all intermediate providers and voice service providers must cease accepting traffic directly from BPO Innovate.
The Bureau concluded that BPO’s certification was deficient because BPO had failed to respond to traceback requests and its robocall mitigation plan did not provide a description of the reasonable steps the company was taking to avoid originating illegal robocall traffic. The removal comes after BPO failed to respond to both a September 29, 2023 notice from the Bureau informing BPO of the deficiencies and a January 9, 2024 Order to Show Cause, again informing BPO of the deficiencies and ordering the company to correct or otherwise explain why its certification should not be removed from the RMD. BPO is prohibited from re-filing a certification without prior approval from the Wireline Competition Bureau and the Enforcement Bureau.
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