Upcoming Deadlines for Form 499-Q and Form 502

Form 499-Q Due August 3, 2015

All telecommunications carriers that provide interstate telecommunications services are required to file an FCC Form 499-Q Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet with the Commission on or before August 3, 2015 (the original filing date of August 1 falls on a weekend, therefore the filing date is pushed to the next weekday).  Carriers must provide revenue information for April 1 through June 30 and projections for October 1 through December 31 of the coming year.  Additionally, to the extent that interconnected VoIP and CMRS providers rely on a traffic study to report interstate revenues for the August filing of the Form 499-Q, the traffic study relied upon must be included with this filing.

The Form and filing instructions may be found via USAC’s website.

NRUF Form 502 Due August 3, 2015

The Numbering Resource Utilization/Forecast Report (NRUF) Form 502 is also due to be filed by August 3, 2015 (the original deadline of August 1 falls on a weekend, therefore the filing date is pushed to the next weekday).  The North American Numbering Plan Administrator (NANPA) is required to collect, store and maintain number resource utilization and forecast data.  Accordingly, the FCC directs that NANPA number assignees holding geographic and/or certain non-geographic telephone numbers must report on their holdings twice each year (February 1 and August 1) using Form 502.  As with prior filing periods, the Form 502 may be filed online at http://www.nanpa.com/nruf/index.html, where instructions for completing the Form also may be found.

If you have any questions regarding compliance with these filings, or would like assistance in filing either of these forms, please contacts us as soon as possible.

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