FCC Publishes Corrected E911 Z-Axis Report and Final Rule in Federal Register

On November 5, 2020, the FCC published a notice in the Federal Register correcting the FCC’s August 28, 2020 Federal Register publication on wireless E911 location accuracy requirements, which is discussed below.  The August 28th notice inadvertently left out a provision of the rules that is subject to OMB approval, implying that compliance was required as of the announced date.  The November 5th notice clarifies that OMB approval is required for section 9.10(i)(2)(ii)(J)(4) (which outlines certain z-axis technology deployment obligations for CMRS providers), along with the prior listed sections 9.10(i)(4)(iv) and (v), 9.10(j)(4), and 9.10(k), and therefore compliance is not required at this time.


For additional information please see previous blog post FCC Publishes Effective Dates for E911 Z-Axis R&O and Order on Recon in the Federal Register


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